Friday, December 18, 2009

Next day. I was scheduled to see my new shrink. A staff shrink at one of the local VA hospitals. I specifically requested someone who would be on staff for some time to come. After all I've had this problem my whole life and it isn't going away. I figure doing this correctly once will keep my from repeating myself for the rest of my life. Figuring maybe I would be able to get deeper into this long term. 

So I show up and he/she wasn't there. Wonderful! I got to wait another 45 minutes to find out I was going to see 2 people that I probably wouldn't see again. Just what I wanted. I love to waste my time. After all I have nothing better to do than repeat myself on a daily basis and spin my wheels in therapy. 

Guy #1 I repeat myself from the day before. He proceeds to tell me that my anxiety is all in my head, GID is no big deal and that GID isn't really a disorder. So I'm taking all this much too seriously. 

Girl #2 Again I repeat myself, however this time she is reading from a form. How encouraging. I look close and think she may be transgender. I'm too polite to ask, GGs (Genetic Girls) get too upset if you even ask. I leave the question stored in my head for the time being and just move on filling in the blanks in my medical documentation.  I've been diagnosed with GID and now I'm being documented. Guy #1 prescribes me Zoloft, the stuff that makes kids kill themselves. Well I didn't ask for the crap. I won't take it. I like my feelings. I don't care if I'm blue or happy. I want to deal with my feelings. I admitted that I wouldn't mind a Valium now and then but I am not about to take something that is going to effect me 24 hours a day every day. I'm supposed to take it every morning. That just isn't going to happen. 

I leave that day happy with knowing I have made some inroads into the formality of my condition. I'm still looking foward to getting acquainted with my new shrink eventually. 

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